


MultiAdapt® is a multifactorial nutritional supplement, useful in promoting natural immune defenses, to optimize metabolism and muscle recovery.


   dietary supplement of the daily ration also helpful in maintaining the skin and the hair in excellent conditions

   to maintain muscle tone perfect in dogs undergoing work

   to satisfy the nutritional needs of growing puppies, pregnant and nursing mothers and elderly dogs and cats

   in post-operative periods

   in the convalescence of debilitating diseases due to stimulation of immune defenses due to its specific components

   as a help in antibiotic treatments

Characterizing ingredients per 1 tablet of 1 g

Vitamin A (Retinolo Acetate) 50000 UI/g

476 mcg

Vitamin D3 100000 UI/g

0,5 mcg

Vitamin E (Acetate 50%)

0,8 mg

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

6 mg

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

5 mg

Vitamin B6

2 mg

Vitamin B12

20 mg

Vitamin K3


Vitamin C

6 mg


O,5 mg


2,6 mg

Calcium (D-Pantothenate)

6 mg

Choline chloride

50 mg

Iron (Heptahydrate Sulfate)

8,28 mg

Zinc (Oxide)

5,45 mg

L-selenomethionine (from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)

0,02 mg

Potassium (Iodide)

0,01 mg/td>

L-Carnitine (L-Tartrate)

20 mg



Spirulina algae (Spirulina Maxima)

40 mg

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia tit. 0,1%)

10 mg

Rosa canina (Rosa Canina L. tit. 10%)

10 mg

Astragalo (Astragalus membranaceus tit 16%)

10 mg

Manganous Sulfate Monohydrate

0,61 mg

Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate

0,31 mg


More about product

Metabolism and energy needs

Metabolism is the set of chemical and energetic processes, which take place in living organisms, to whom any vital function is owed: the growth, the maintenance of weight, the conservation of the body's forms and structures, the development of specific functional activities and the production of heat and work. The life of the animals is, therefore, made possible by the transformations of the chemical energy contained in the organic nutrients: proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

These chemical transformations, which continuously take place in the organism, are divided into two phases:
1) ANABOLISM - characterized by assimilation and synthesis processes, which allow the formation of new material or the accumulation of new reserve material in the cells.

2) CATABOLISM -characterized by the processes of splitting and degradation through which cellular constituents and reserve substances are transformed into smaller molecules, more easily assimilated and / or excreted.

During this last phase, energy is released, which is then translated into:

thermal energy, which manifests itself in the form of body heat;

mechanical energy, which is expressed in the form of muscular work;

chemical energy, for animal production (milk, meat, fat);

electric energy, which is expressed, in very limited quantities, in muscle work and secretions.

Cells consume this energy incessantly, which would end if it was not continuously renewed. This is provided by the nutritive activity, that is
the use of the chemical energy supplied by organic molecules assimilable from the environment. These molecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) are therefore real biological fuels: in the animal organism they are demolished, in the presence of oxygen, up to carbon dioxide and water. This process, which takes place through hundreds of intermediate chemical reactions, involves multiple energy transformations and the synthesis of intracellular reserve materials.

These various nutrients provide different amounts of energy:

1 gram of carbohydrates develops 4.1 cal.

1 gram of lipids develops 9.3 cal.

1 gram of proteins develops 5.65 cal.

The set of energy transformations that occur in the various phases of metabolism is defined as an energy metabolism. In animals the energy transformed by the organism should correspond to the chemical energy contained in food. To calculate the energy metabolism of an individual we proceed by measuring the energy value of food (in calories) and the amount of heat produced by the animal when the various forms of energy have been transformed into thermal energy (considering the fact that, in a system closed, the total amount of energy remains constant, despite all the transformations that may occur). This parameter, however, varies considerably depending on the activity that the animal is performing in that particular period of time.

We must therefore base on another parameter, even more important than energy metabolism, the basal metabolism. It is the determination of the metabolism in standard conditions, that is in conditions of fasting, immobility, horizontal position of the body, tranquillity of the environment and comfortable temperature. Parameter that can however be influenced by various individual factors such as: sex, age, lifestyle or particular states (pregnancy and lactation).

Making a little clarity, in essence, the basal metabolic rate is the calculation of the energy needed to perform vital metabolic functions (respiration, circulation, digestion) which represents about 45/75% of the total energy expenditure of a day. Energy metabolism, on the other hand, is the energy necessary to perform all the following and / or consequent functions of the basal metabolism (transformation of nutrients after digestion, maintenance of muscle tone).

This last metabolism is the one that can be most influenced by the diet (useful therefore in cases of supplementation with adequate supplements); in fact, the metabolism increases rapidly when passing from the condition of rest to that of activity; at the same time, the energetic energy needs increase, which depends above all on the muscular activity of the subject. Knowing therefore the value of the total energy metabolism we can calculate the quantity of food that must be taken to satisfy the energetic demands of the organism.

From here it is born the definition of needs, i.e. the daily quantities to be taken from the main nutrients, to cope with both the expenditure of the basal metabolism and the energy required for the various physical activities. The diet must be varied, i.e. all the food principles (proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates) must be represented, so that the sum of calories introduced is equal to the energy needs (taking into account that different foods have different calories ). If the calories introduced are the same as the calories expended, the caloric balance of the subject is in balance; if the calories introduced are greater than those consumed, the body accumulates calories, i.e. gets fat; vice versa, if the calories introduced are less than those consumed, it loses energy, i.e. loses weight.

With these premises, it is evident that every organism has its own metabolism, thanks to which it uses molecules deriving from digestion and degradation of assimilated foods. It happens, however, sometimes, that feeding is not sufficient to provide all the elements necessary for the animal's needs; it is for this reason that useful supplements act by overcoming these shortcomings. Supplementation is therefore useful in case of:

·     nutritional deficiencies

·     particular conditions such as pregnancy and breastfeeding

·     states that need an implementation to improve performance (for example, muscle level, to increase the immune system, etc.)

·     recovery states of normal conditions (for example, in a post-operative recovery period).

It is in this great panorama that the MultiAdapt® complementary feed is placed as a multifactorial nutritional supplement, useful to favour the natural immune defenses, to optimize the metabolism and to assist the muscle recovery. Formulated specifically for dogs and cats that need a balanced and effective support for their well-being; composition that includes various ingredients, useful individually, even more effective in synergy with each other:


Vitamins are bioregulators of great importance as they preside, together with hormones, the carrying out of all physiological processes both directly and indirectly through enzymatic mechanisms. On the basis of solubility they are classified in liposoluble (stored in the liver, they represent a reserve for the organism), which dissolve in fats and in a polar solvents and water-soluble (they are not accumulated in the organism, it is therefore essential to introduce them daily through the diet) which dissolve in water and in polar solvents. All vitamins are responsible for specific tasks, and their deficiency can cause malfunction and / or dysfunction in the body.

VITAMIN A - liposoluble vitamin, present in two forms: vitamin A1 or retinol, which is widespread especially in mammals and marine fish and vitamin A2, common in freshwater fish. Produced starting from carotene (orange-yellow vegetable pigment), present in all chlorophyll tissues, in various seeds and fruits. The conversion of provitamin into vitamin occurs mainly in the intestine (in a small part also in the liver and in the mammary gland). Vitamin A intervenes in the maintenance of the visual capacity since it is an integral part of the rods of the retina rods. Another function performed by this vitamin is that epithelium-protector; This activity is useful above all in the mucosal secretion tissues of the digestive, respiratory and urogenital system, thus preserving and inhibiting the formation of keratins (the keratinization of epithelia is a degenerative process that leads to a decrease in cellular permeability and nutritional exchanges). Moreover, this vitamin has a considerable influence on fertility, acting in synergy with progesterone.

VITAMIN D3 - liposoluble vitamin belonging to the group of steroids; also called colecalciferol, it originates by ultraviolet irradiation from its precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol. It plays a fundamental role in the normal process of bone calcification by intervening, at the intestinal level, in favour of Ca ++ absorption. Although vitamin D is often called calcium-fixing machine, its biological role is to ensure the absorption of calcium and to control the urinary elimination of phosphorus (because the mineralizing function is instead performed by an enzyme, the alkaline phosphatase).

VITAMIN E - liposoluble vitamin (α-tocopherol), very common in the plant world, especially in cereal germs and related oils and in the green parts of all plants. It has the fundamental role of physiological antioxidant in the cell, which protects vitamin A and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids from possible self-oxidation phenomena. Furthermore, it participates in synthesis and metabolic processes, is endowed with surfactant properties and is indispensable for the genesis of many enzymes and coenzymes, for the synthesis of ascorbic acid and nucleic acids. It is also able to increase the body's tolerance of toxic substances

VITAMINS B (B1 B2 B6 B12) - a group of different substances consisting of at least 15 elements which, despite the heterogeneity of their molecular structure, share some properties: they are water-soluble, contain a nitrogen atom in their molecule and perform a coenzymatic function . They participate in the most significant stages of the intermediate metabolism as coenzymes: that is they are combined with specific principles of a protein nature, they form complex enzymes that catalyse various and fundamental reactions of the metabolism; they are therefore indispensable substances for metabolism.

VITAMIN B1 - thiamine, diffused in many green plant tissues and in many feeds (bran, oats, barley, rice husk), is linked to the intermediate metabolism of the carbon hydrates, stimulates the digestive function, regulates the cardiac and muscular activity , regulates body temperature and has analgesic action against neurites.

VITAMIN B2 - riboflavin, diffused in the plant kingdom, are even richer in animal tissues and products of animal origin (milk, eggs and fish meal). It regulates, together with other substances, the processes of cellular respiration, it stimulates the growth, it is indispensable for the visual function and for the optimal functioning of the nervous system.

VITAMIN B6 - pyridoxine, very common in food, especially in wheat bran, in the by-products of milling, in animal flours and seed germs; before being used by the organism it is converted into pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, fundamental constituents of two coenzymes. They intervene in enzymatic reactions in which transformations of amino acids and transfer of amino groups occur (transamination). It is also supposed that it intervenes in the production of antibodies in the blood and in the synthesis of fats from amino acids. It is also called adermine, as it carries out a trophic action on the skin preventing the occurrence of dermatitis.

VITAMIN B12 - cobalamin, absent in vegetables, is contained in liver extracts, in various foods of animal origin (fish meal, meat meal and whey) and is part of the APF (animal protein factor) complex. It is the most important vitamin, essential for growth and for hematopoiesis; it is essential for the synthesis of nucleic acids by intervening in the protein metabolism of the synthesis of choline and methionine and, in particular, in the lipid and glucidic one, catalyzing different enzymatic reactions.

VITAMIN C - ascorbic acid, widely present in green vegetables, citrus fruits and germinating seeds, is thermolabile and can be easily inactivated in the presence of oxidizing substances. It is a water-soluble vitamin with reducing properties and is biologically active in both the reduced and the oxidized form. It has a synergistic role in adrenaline and is involved in the production of collagen by fibroblasts; finally it exerts a trophic activity on the capillaries. It can also be used as an immunostimulant, helping the organic defenses.

NIACINAMIDE - vitamin PP or vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid, is present in herbs, hay and constituents of concentrated feed (bran, flours, etc.). Vitamin that becomes part of the molecule of the CoA that performs the function of transporter of acyl groups in the enzymatic reactions of β-oxidation of fatty acids, in the reactions of synthesis of fatty acids and of oxidation of pyruvic acid. Furthermore, it determines the acetylation of the choline which, in the form of acetylcholine, constitutes the chemical mediator in the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the synapses between the neurons. It is therefore a vitamin that inhibits protein and lipid oxidation, consequently decreasing the production of free radicals.

*BIOTIN AND CALCIUM D-PANTOTHENATE - water-soluble vitamins (Vit.H and Vit.B5) present in egg yolk, milk and liver. As coenzymes, they participate in the establishment of enzymes that catalyze various reactions of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. They favor the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, they carry out a trophic action on the skin; they therefore have the function of supporting the nervous system, growth and development.


The microelements (also called "accidental minerals") are without energy and nitrogen but are essential for animal feeding; moreover, they cannot be synthesized (unlike other nutritional principles) by the animal and therefore must be present in the ration in quantities sufficient to satisfy the needs. They are protective principles as they play a major role in the control of animal metabolism as constituents of the prosteical group of numerous enzymes. Moreover, some of them carry out enzyme activators functions and enter the genesis of hormones and vitamins. 

IRON SULFATE HEPTAHYDRATE - one of the most important trace elements. About 60-70% is contained in haemoglobin, but moderate quantities are contained in myoglobin and in reserve organs such as liver, spleen and bone marrow. Its absorption occurs almost totally in the duodenum; in the intestinal epithelium it is conjugated to a protein structure forming a chromoprotein called ferritin. Iron is linked to the transport of oxygen by becoming part of haemoglobin (heme) and cytochromes and intervenes in the formation of the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase. Promotes, therefore, the formation of red blood cells ensuring proper oxygenation to all tissues; stimulates the functions of the liver, also plays a role in resistance to diseases and is essential to keep the immune system efficient.

SELENIUM - selenium is an essential mineral, with minimal concentrations it exerts auxinic action and reduces the effects of vitamin E deficiency. The antioxidant action carried out by selenium is due to the fact that it enters the constitution of the enzyme glutathione-peroxidase, whose function is to subtract the excess oxygen by preventing the formation of peroxides. The trace element is therefore useful as an antioxidant because it counteracts free radicals and to maintain the elasticity of the tissues.

AMINO ACIDS - proteins (or protides) are quaternary substances containing C carbon (51-55%), O oxygen (21.5-23.5%), H hydrogen (6.5-7.3%), N nitrogen (15, 5-18%) and small amounts of S sulfur (0.1-2.5%) and / or P phosphorus (0.1-1.5%), in some it may also contain traces of Fe, Cu and Zn . They are the essential constituents of all cells. In addition to the plastic function, they expose the catalytic (enzymes constituents), regulating the chemical reactions that take place in the cell. From a nutritional point of view, they contribute to a greater extent, compared to other nutritive elements, to shape the organism and to supply the material for the productions (milk, eggs, wool, etc.). Therefore, animals need an adequate amount of protein through feeding; in order to re-establish the altered energy balance as a result of the consumption that the tissues undergo during the vital activities. From the hydrolysis of proteins, either enzymatically or with acids or alkalis, the basic unit constituents of proteins are obtained: the amino acids.

Known amino acids are numerous, but frequently only 23 are found in the hydrolysates of food proteins. The complex protein molecules present in the tissues and circulating liquids, in plants and animals, are all formed by a very high number of one or different amino acids and therefore the approximately 20 amino acids existing in nature, combining each other can give rise to a very high number of proteins, each with its own characteristics. Of the 23 amino acids that can make up the most diverse proteins, about 13 (non-essential or biosynetizable amino acids) can be synthesized by the animal organism, starting also from non-protein substrates; the other 10-12 (essential or abiosynthetic) must be given to them as they cannot be synthesized.

·     L-CARNITINE - important nutrient for animal health: it has the fundamental role of transporting essential fatty acids; without L-carnitine fatty acids could not be transformed into energy, necessary for normal daily activities and for the proper functioning of the immune system, especially in the case of very active animals. It is also used as a protector of the joints and cardiocirculatory functions (especially in the most common cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias).

·     L-GLYCINE - non-essential amino acid, is the smallest of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins. It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter at the level of the central nervous system; fundamental its action in the regulation of motor neurons. Together with arginine and methionine, it participates in the synthesis of creatine; it also performs important functions in the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies. Therefore, glycine has several important functions within the organism: such as the synthesis of proteins, haemoglobin, antibodies and collagen. Besides performing an essential task as a neurotransmitter, it therefore has the function of stimulating the immune system.


In the past, knowing plants and their virtues was essential for therapy, since it corresponded to the only possible solution for the treatment of diseases. Over time, all herbs (annual or perennial species) and plants (trees and shrubs) used in the "workshops" (pharmaceutical laboratories) of apothecaries were called "medical plants". Today herbs and medicinal plants are those used to preserve the health and well-being of humans and animals; they can be used as such in the kitchen, as spices; in the preparation of herbal teas, or worked with specific procedures for the production of food supplements, veterinary, cosmetics and other products. For each officinal plant, the part used (leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, roots, etc.) is called "drug". The drug contains the Phyto complex, i.e. the set of active ingredients that characterize the properties of the plant, which cannot be reproduced by chemical synthesis. The synergistic work of the active ingredients of the Phyto complex provides the plant with a series of contemporary actions, which the individual component does not possess.

SPIRULINA (SPIRULINA MAXIMA) DRY EXTRACT - spirulina, scientifically known as Arthrospira, lives mainly in the fresh water of the sub-tropical areas. It has a blue-green colour and the typical spiral shape has given it its name. It is considered one of the most complete foods on the planet; it contains all the essential amino acids, has 60% of proteins and has the highest concentration of beta-carotene, vitamin B12, iron and minerals as well as the rare essential fatty acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid). Composed, therefore, by a series of unique phytonutrients, which have the function of strengthening the immune system (reducing the risk of infections and autoimmune diseases). With its wealth of natural antioxidants, it promotes cellular health; while the chlorophyll contained helps to detoxify the body. The main fields of use of the Spirulina algae in animals are, therefore, the integration in case of diseases caused by malnutrition, for the restoration of liver activity, for the healing of ulcers, in the reduction of allergic sensitivity and in detoxification from heavy metals. Spirulina is definitely a useful food in case of anaemia due to its iron content, vitamin B12, vitamin E, folic acid and copper. To be taken into consideration, also, to help during periods of convalescence of animals debilitated by an illness or by surgery.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA DC. (DRY EXTRACT) - a plant known for its immunostimulant and antiviral properties, which is especially useful for promoting immune defenses. It has the ability to activate the phagocytic action of lymphocytes and to strengthen the specific immune system. It also contains flavonoids (such as luteolin, kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin); derivatives of caffeic acid (echinacoside, chlorogenic acid), cicoric acid, polyenes, alkylamides and essential oil. In particular, echinacoside has an antibiotic and bacteriostatic action, able to inhibit the replication of bacteria that are difficult to control; while echinacein gives the plant corticosimile anti-inflammatory properties.

ROSA CANINA (POWDER) – Plant bud extracts have immunomodulatory properties, ie they regulate the body's immune response. The small fruits (berries) are considered the "natural sources" of Vitamin C and therefore able to contribute to the strengthening of the body's natural defenses.

ASTRAGALUS MEMBRANACEUS L. (ROOT, DRY EXTRACT) - is known for its immunostimulant, adaptogenic and detoxifying properties, useful for supporting the immune system. The roots of the astragalus contain triterpene saponins, flavonoids, pyogenic amines and polysaccharides. In particular, polysaccharides stimulate the immune system by strengthening the body's natural defense mechanisms. The content of saponins, present in the plant complex, gives the plant a hepatoprotective action, as its intake protects the liver from damage caused by chemicals or toxic substances.

Active substances

Vitamin A - liposoluble vitamin (retinol) which plays a very important role in vision, bone growth, and maintenance of regular immune system functions

Vitamin D3 - liposoluble vitamin (colecalciferol) with antirachitis activity. Vitamin D plays its role in the regulating mechanism of calcium homeostasis, it is important for skeletal development and bone mineralization

Vitamin E - liposoluble vitamin (α-tocopherol) with antioxidant activity

Vitamins of group B (B1 B2 B6 B12) - class of water soluble vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, etc.) that act as tonic, providing energy for the neurovegetative system and to maintain muscle tone. They also have antioxidant effects and support the immune system.

Vitamin C - water-soluble vitamin (ascorbic acid) with powerful antioxidant activity. Vitamin C has the ability to protect plasma lipids, DNA and proteins from various oxidative damage. It can also be useful as an immunostimulant enhancing organic defenses.

Niacinamid (vitamin PP) - Vitamin that inhibits protein and lipid oxidation by decreasing the production of free radicals.

Biotin and Calcium D-Pantothenate - Water-soluble vitamins (Vit.H and Vit.B5, Panthenol) important in energy metabolism and synthesis of fatty acids. Therefore they have the function of supporting the nervous system, growth and development.

Iron glycinate - Iron is one of the most important trace elements. It promotes the formation of red blood cells ensuring proper oxygenation to all tissues. It stimulates the function of the liver, it also has a role in disease resistance and is essential to maintain the immune system efficient.

L-Carnitine - the essential amino acid for the transport of fatty acids through the membranes, therefore carries out its function as a vector for energy.

Spirulina (Spirulina maxima) (dry extract) - For the richness of basic minerals, spirulina algae is among the alkaline foods, helping to restore the acid-base balance of the tissues. In addition, rich in plant proteins (such as biliproteins, those of groups A and B, beta-carotene, vit. D, vit. K and vit. E), is very useful for the nervous system, the immune system and as antioxidant.

Echinacea angustifolia DC. (plant, dry extract) - Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) Note for immunostimulatory and anitviral properties, it is useful to favor immune defenses. It has the ability to activate the phagocytic action of lymphocytes and strengthen the specific immune system. It also contains flavonoids (such as lutein, kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin); caffeic acid derivatives (echinacoside, chlorogenic acid), chicory acid, polyenes, alkyl amides and essential oils. In particular, echinacoside performs antibiotic and bacteriostatic action, which inhibits the replication of difficult to control bacteria; while echinacein gives the plant cortisone-like anti-inflammatory properties.

Rosa Canina (Powder) - Plant bud extract has immunomodulatory properties, it regulates the immune response of the organism. Small berries are considered the "natural sources" of Vitamin C and can therefore contribute to strengthening the body's natural defenses.

Astragalus membranaceus L. (root, dry extract) - The astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is known for its immunostimultory, adaptogenic and detoxifying properties, it is useful for supporting immune defenses. The astragalus roots contain triterpenic saponins, flavonoids, rocine amines and polysaccharides. In particular, polysaccharides stimulate the immune system by strengthening the natural mechanisms of defense of the organism. The content of saponins, present in the phytocomplex, gives the plant liver-protective action, as its intake protects the liver from damage caused by chemicals or toxic substances.

L-glycine - glycine derivative and choline metabolite, dimethylglycine (DMG) has the function of stimulating the immune system and is also used as a remedy in attention deficit.

Selenium - Selenium is an essential mineral, useful as an antioxidant since it counteract free radicals by protecting against aging and maintaining the elasticity of the tissues.

Instructions for use:


Tablets of 1 g 

Cats: average weight 5 kg

1/2 tablet in the morning and evening for 7 days. Continue with 1/2 tablet per day for 20 days.

Dogs up to 10 kg

1 tablet in the morning and evening for 7 days. Continue with 1 tablet per day for 20 days.

Dogs from 11 to 25 kg

2 tablets in the morning and evening for 7 days. Continue with 2 tablets per day for 20 days.

Dogs over 26 kg

3 tablets in the morning and evening for 7 days. Continue with 3 tablets per days for 20 days.

The tablets should be administered in daily ration or orally according to the weight. 



MultiAdapt® complementary feed for cats and dogs, 60 tablets of 1 g