

Complementary feed, for dogs and cats, intended for particular nutritional purposes (PARNUT). Useful to promote the balance of intestinal microbial flora.
New formula for LactoAdapt, a complementary feed useful in 
cases of dietary, climatic and food stress; especially indicated for the reduction of acute intestinal absorption disorders, during acute diarrhoea and subsequent recovery periods.
The new formulation uses the Parnut definition (or PARNUTS "Foods for Particular Nutritional Purposes"); with it we mean the "functional food" that include those food products characterized by the fact of having specific beneficial properties.
This definition is an "extra gear" for the product, on the road to safety and quality; in fact, compared to the category of complementary feeds, for the "complementary feeds destined for particular nutritional purposes" a precise claim is defined (it is a very precise definition, can be boasted on the label), a period of use, but above all a quality composition profile such as to satisfy that particular nutritional purpose and finally the intervention of the figure of the veterinary doctor is recommended before the use or in case of extension of the period of use.

    • for the treatment and the prophylaxis of intestinal dismicrobism due to:
      1. use of antibiotics
      2. changes in diet
      3. eating disorders
      4. intoxications
  • is recommended to support the balance of microbial intestinal flora. It is indicated as an active adjuvant in gastro intestinal infections, diarrhoea and constipation.
  • reduces intestinal dysbiosis and improves intestinal absorption
  • Characterizing ingredients per 1 tablet of 1 g
    Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) 100 mg
    Enterococcus faecium 60 mg
    Vitamin B1 15 mg
    Vitamin B2 10 mg
    Vitamin B6 12,5 mg

    More about product

      • CARBOHYDRATES – Carbohydrates derive from the plant's chlorophyll photosynthesis and are used by animals for energy purposes. They represent a great source of energy and vitality; they provide glucose to the tissues, contribute to the formation of many amino acids and are among the structural components of the tissues. In carbohydrate metabolic processes, glucose, glycogen, and dietary fiber play a major role.
  • FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES (FOS) - are particular types of oligosaccharides (composed of chains with a low number of units). They are substances able to stimulate the growth and metabolism of the bacterial flora, favouring its rebalancing (prebiotic action). Used to stimulate intestinal activity; to reconstitute the intestinal flora following antibiotic therapies and to promote digestion. In one research the ability of FOS to influence the composition of the intestinal microbiota, the immune development inducing a greater immune response is put in highlight.
  • PROBIOTICS – Probiotic: "live micro-organism which, administered in adequate quantities, brings a benefit to the health of the host"; they contribute to the establishment and modification of intestinal microflora. They can inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms, interact with the mucosal immune system by promoting an immune response. Another important aspect is that they can interact with the intestinal epithelial barrier, favouring the preservation and repair of damage, stimulating the production of mucus.
    Enterococcus faecium - bacteria that routinely populate the gastrointestinal tract. They have a round or oval appearance, arranged in pairs or in chains. Probiotic supplementation positively modifies the intestinal bacterial flora, with beneficial effects on the dog's and cat's immune system. Effective for microbial stability and maintaining a better quality of puppies stool. One study highlights the ability of the bacterial strain to have a scavenger effect of free radicals coupled with a reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.
  • VITAMINS – Vitamins are bioregolators of great importance as they preside over the performance of all physiological processes. They are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble. All vitamins are responsible for specific tasks and, their deficiency, can cause dysfunctionality.
  • VITAMINS B (B1 B2 B6) – group consisting of numerous elements that participate in the most important stages of metabolism as coenzymes: they are therefore indispensable substances. The union of several B vitamins, helps to keep the digestive system in shape, such as:
    1. Vitamin B1 - thiamine, stimulates digestive function: involved in the production of gastric juices and maintenance of intestinal muscle tone; moreover, it regulates cardiac and muscular activity, regulates body temperature and has analgesic action against neuritis.
    2. Vitamin B2 - riboflavin, regulates the processes of cellular respiration, stimulates growth and is indispensable for visual function. In the digestive tract, it is important for maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal mucosa and is useful for improving the metabolism of the animal.
    3. Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine, essential for the proper functioning of the immune and nervous system. Thanks to this substance, the animal increases resistance to infections, improves the condition of skin health and strengthens the reproductive system. Generally, pyridoxine is produced by the intestinal microbiota, but this does not always happen in sufficient quantities to satisfy the needs; therefore an integration is useful.
  • PSYLLIUM SEED CUTICLE – Psyllium (Plantago psyllium) is a plant of the Plantaginaceae family. Known for its soothing properties, it is useful against intestinal irritability. Thanks to the presence of a mucilage on the surface of the seeds, in contact with the water, it swells and increases in volume forming a gel capable of increasing the quantity of the faecal mass, softening its contents. Psyllium is helps in case of constipation, but it is also useful in case of diarrhoea; in this case, in fact, it acts by absorbing the excess of liquids already present in the intestine, increasing the consistency of the faecal bole. The mucilage also has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties on the mucosa, it is therefore indicated in the irritates states of the gastrointestinal system walls. Finally they contain a part of fibres, which act as a prebiotic for the well-being of the intestinal microflora.
    • CAROB FLOUR – Carobs, fruit of the evergreen tree of the Carob (Ceratonia siliqua), are rich in fibre, have astringent, antacid and gastric ant secretive properties. The flour obtained from the grinding of carobs is useful against diarrhoea due to its ability to absorb water, thanks to the content of pectins, cellulose and lignin (unlike the whole fruit which, instead, has a laxative action). It therefore acts against constipation diarrhoea and cramps.
    Tablets of 1 g 
    dogs and cats from 0 - 10 kg 1 tablet per day
    dogs from 10 - 30 kg 2 tablets per day
    dogs over 30 kg 3 tablets per day


    It is recommended to consult a veterinary before use.


    LactoAdapt® Complementary  feed  for  cats  and  dogs  useful  to  maintain  regular   intestinal  flora,  20  or 60 tablets  of  1g.

    Instructions for use:

    The  tablets  should  be  administered  in  daily   ration  or  orally  directly  to  the  mouth  of  the  animal.

    Recommended period of use:

    1 to 2 weeks